Monday, December 28, 2009

'Tis the Season for Giving

We are truly blessed in my household, and we try our hardest not to take it for granted. We always try to give back where we can.

With all of the charitable organizations out there, it can be hard to decide where to make a yearly holiday donation. Like most of you, I am a big fan of giving spare change to the bell ringers. We also arranged to set up a box at work for Gleaners Food Bank, where associates could donate their Christmas turkey (an annual holiday gift from our employer). It was heartwarming to see so many people in the giving spirit, and we filled the box full. What a wonderful, warm-and-fuzzy feeling!

Ultimately, I also try not to forget about the little ones during the holiday season. (I'm not referring to the children....I know Santa has them covered!) I'm talking about the hundreds of abandoned animals at your local shelter.

This is a particularly rough time for local animal shelters and humane societies. With the recession, people are finding themselves unable to care for the family pet - thus overwhelming the local shelters with helpless, homeless animals.

One of my favorite local animal rescue facilities is Cats Haven. I am particularly fond of this rescue center because they have a no-kill policy. They will do whatever it takes to find a home for these precious creatures. They also have great resources on their website, as well as a cute blog updating you on the center's happenings. They make the donation process an easy one - with just a few clicks, you can make a donation through the security of PayPal.

Cats Haven also has products you can purchase, such as calendars, jewelry, hoodies, and more! What's even better is that all profits are filtered back into the center. You can buy a gift, and know that you're also helping these adorable felines get a second chance at life.

What is your favorite holiday charity?

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